Happy Chinese New Year

17th Jan '23

Celebrating Chinese New Year with King Yin!

Thinking about celebrating Chinese New Year (CNY) and welcoming in the Year of the Rabbit? It’s another chance to spend lots of quality time with your family and eat way too much of your favourite food.  Or maybe you’ve had your fill of festive fun for a little while?

In contrast, our manufacturing colleagues and partners in Ningbo and Shenzhen are only just breaking up for their big annual celebration.  And, given the busy year we’ve had we know how much they’re looking forward to their well-deserved break. We appreciate all their great work and wish them a wonderful CNY!

And to mark our team’s celebrations we’ve asked King Yin, CEL Shenzhen’s Director of Operations and Engineering, to tell us a bit more about CNY. Turns out it’s extra special for King too. Find out why…

What does Chinese New Year mean to you?

“It is the most important festival for Chinese families. It brings together parents, children and close relatives. But how you celebrate CNY probably depends on your age,” explains King.

“I guess I am now in my ‘midlife’, so, to me, it is a very precious opportunity to take my wife and daughter to spend time with our parents. To talk with them. To see what I can do to help them. To meet my younger brother and his family too. As well as visit relatives that I only get to see at this time of year.

“This is China’s annual big festival where families are reunited. Often, travelling long distances by road, rail and air. CNY is such a busy time, whichever way you choose to travel. Tickets are expensive. Traffic jams are horrible. Yet, however hard it is to get home people all over China will strive to get there. Like Christmas in the UK.”

Tell us about the celebrations?

“As you can imagine, it’s fun, but inevitably it’s tiring!

There are lots of preparations before people arrive home. Houses to be cleaned and food prepared. Traditionally, spring festival food, like cured meats, sausage and rice wine, are specially prepared by hand. Older people still do this, but increasingly people are getting busier (or maybe lazier) and buying pre-made shop-sold options.

“Our big meal is on New Year’s Eve – which this year is on 21st January. 2023 Often in towns and villages this meal will take place at home. But there is a trend towards eating out at high-class restaurants and hotels for wealthier families, particularly in cities.

“Also, we enjoy public celebrations, like dragon and lion dances. But sadly, there are far fewer fireworks and firecrackers than you would imagine. There are special areas for displays, however the use of fireworks is now prohibited in many places throughout China.

“On the first day of the Chinese New Year, which will be 22nd January 2023, we’ll go outside to celebrate. Normally, we visit relatives, friends and go to parks and markets. And its very popular to go to the temple for a good luck blessing for health, wealth and good fortune for the year ahead.”

We sincerely wish all our Partners, Colleagues and Friends a Very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year of the Rabbit

Why is the Year of the Rabbit a special year for you?

“I was born in the year of the rabbit, which makes this CNY year a more special. The ancient Chinese zodiac comprises 12 animals, which means it will be my special year every 12 years.

“Traditionally, if it is your animal year it is important to get extra blessings to avoid bad things happening. Although, I’m not the biggest believer in this, it is important for my family and I respect and value that. Gifts to protect me is their way of showering me with love and care.”

“They’ll want me to wear red things to counteract the evil – like good luck beads or clothing. So, I’ve had my wrist beads restrung onto red thread. You can also wear a special family ring and even red under garments – but I’ll keep those under wraps!

诚挚祝愿我们的合作伙伴们, 同事们, 朋友们在兔年 – 兔(突)飞猛进, 前兔(途)似锦, 扬眉兔(吐)气, 大展宏兔(图)