25th Jan '23

Welcoming Supply Partners in China to our UK HQ

This week we were thrilled to welcome Katrina, one of our long-term supply partners in China to our new facilities in Telford, UK.

Like us, Katrina is passionate about manufacturing and continually improving the way manufactured products are made for our customers.

We help UK OEMs compete through flexible supply chain services, but how many of you may think that we’re just talking about price?

But we’re not. We ask our customers to focus less on low-cost manufacturing and more on cost-competitive manufacturing which boosts through-life costs and the bottom-line.

The UK needs manufacturing which delivers on quality, on time and delivers responsibly too.

That’s the future and it’s what we’ve endeavoured to provide our customers for 20 years.

Our engineers’ expertise makes a huge difference to UK OEMS, both here and in China. Our engineering team collaborate and resolve manufacturing and supply chain challenges, daily.

Different continents, but one team!

It’s great news that China is open again and we truly appreciate Katrina spending some of her Chinese New Year holidays with us.

Keep your eyes peeled for more of our shared insights and, as always, we welcome your thoughts.

For Supply Partners that help you compete and grow contact us.