Zero-Harm Policy


CEL GROUP commits positively to health, safety and environmental UK laws. Our zero-harm policy details this commitment. It communicates how we will strive to continuously improve our company’s health and safety and sustainability standards, as well as reduce our environmental impact.


Our Commitment

CEL Group aims to achieve the highest Health and Safety standards, by means of clear and effective communication. We are committed to continuously improving our standards by systematically removing the root causes of any accidents/incidents and ill-health, where possible.

The Health and Safety of our people (employees, temporary staff, contractors and site visitors) is paramount. CEL Group will act positively to minimise the potential of all workplace risks, as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other associated legislation. We will take all reasonably practicable steps to provide places of work that are safe and healthy to meet the health, safety and welfare needs of each employee.

Overview of the Policy, Procedures and Responsibilities

CEL Group commits to safeguard human life, through structured and documented Health and Safety procedures and best practice policies.  

This commitment will be reviewed annually or in the light of legislative or organisational changes.

The Board of Directors have overall responsibility for the Health and Safety policy. However, the authority to implement and deliver this policy is delegated to our designated Health and Safety Ambassador Paul Amos and Simon Cartwright.

In addition, all employees are responsible for taking reasonable care of their own Health and Safety, as well as that of others who may be affected by their acts, or omissions, in the workplace or on work-related business.

All employees have a duty to perform their roles in accordance with the Health and Safety policy and supporting procedures.

Visitors and Contractors

Anyone on company premises is expected to cooperate with CEL Group’s Health and Safety requirements.

Visitors will be made aware of their own responsibility to take reasonable care of their own Health and Safety whilst on company premises. They will be made aware of the current fire evacuation procedure and any other relevant information we see appropriate while they’re on site.

All visitors to the site will be accompanied, where practicable, and the ultimate responsibility for a visitor is with the person(s) they are visiting.

External contractors will be given sufficient information and supervision to ensure that they comply with this policy and any/all other relevant company Health and Safety procedures.

Contractors must supply all relevant documentation/qualifications/insurance, including RAMS “Risk and Method Statements” before any work is undertaken.

The Health and Safety Ambassador

The Company’s Health and Safety Ambassador will liaise with Health and Safety authorities on Health and Safety issues and assist in meetings, and where appropriate, exceeding the minimum statutory legal requirements.

Emergency procedures are designed to ensure safe access to and from the premises and to give warning of imminent danger to allow all employees and visitors to move to a place of relative safety.

CEL Group commits to holding monthly ‘Health and Safety’ meetings to consult with cross-department team members. These meetings will capture a range of potential Health and Safety risks and drive continuous improvement.

Detailed Health and Safety responsibilities

  1. Managers and Supervisors are responsible for the training and supervision of employees in their respective teams in accordance with Health and Safety matters. They will ensure that new recruits are given induction training on their first day. They will also ensure that appropriate information is available to all employees and/or visitors.
  • Risk assessments and Standard Operating Procedures are key to the process of delivering successful Health and Safety management, and environmental care. Managers and Supervisors need to be proactive in identifying risks and acting to reduce them. Creating robust and adaptable processes will reduce the risk of any activity enormously. Risk Assessments and Standard Operating Procedures will be assessed and updated following any unplanned event “accident” or if the activity changes significantly.
  • Procedures will be implemented to ensure that all plant, machinery, and equipment are designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in a safe manner.
  • The Company will provide trained first aiders to treat employees and visitors who require attention while on our premises.
  • The Company will appoint dedicated Fire Marshalls that will escort and conduct a roll call during an evacuation.
  • Detailed procedures and notices will be contained in a Master Health and Safety file and will be periodically reviewed. It is the responsibility of individual employees to acquaint themselves with all relevant Health and Safety information and notices, which are displayed throughout the premises.


Our Commitment

CEL Group recognises that its operations have an impact on the environment and commits to deepening its understanding of and proactively managing the environmental implications of its activities to ensure that we operate as sustainably as possible and reducing our carbon footprint.

Overview of the Policy, Procedures and Responsibilities

CEL Group commits to operating our businesses in a way that demonstrates our dedication to environmental sustainability. This commitment is reflected in the following priorities:

  • To retain CEL Group’s ISO14001 accreditation by continuously improving environmental performance
  • Regulatory compliance with UK laws, for our UK operation, as a minimum standard
  • Working with our suppliers, partners and customers to raise environmental impact awareness, and to identify and encourage implementation of improvements to promote sustainable practices.
  • To raise awareness and train employees in environmental matters relevant to their positions

Environmental considerations will be reviewed, and where possible more sustainable solutions identified for both general UK operations and specific projects.

The general UK operations improvement programme is the responsibility of the Management Team, who will set and review goals annually, covering activities such as:

  • Continuously assess and implement best practice to reduce waste, prevention of pollution and encourage recycling.
    • Reduce carbon emissions by optimising road usage and freight carriers of all kinds.
    • Reducing unnecessary travel, encouraging virtual meetings, lift sharing, cycle to work schemes etc.
    • Manage and reduce power consumption by being energy aware and proactively acting to cut consumption of onsite resources.
    • Be more digital and cut paper printing where possible.
    • Plant a minimum of two trees per year.

Specific project environmental impact improvement initiatives will be the responsibility of the Customer Account Manager, who will work with the engineering and logistics teams, as well as the customers to minimise the environmental impact of the manufacturing and shipping process where we have direct influence, such as with packaging, shipping containers etc. Collaborating with suppliers and contractors to reduce or eliminate commercial waste.

The Company’s environmental, sustainability and carbon-aware policy will be reviewed every six months with revised targets set for the upcoming year where necessary.

The successful implementation of the policy and procedures require total commitment from all employees and visitors, as well as support and collaboration with all our customers, suppliers and partners.