26th May '23

CEL Group & The Department for Levelling Up

Simon Cartwright, Managing Director of CEL Group, welcomed Rachel Morgan, from the Department for Levelling Up last week. She was here to see the results of our mutual investment. And see our beautiful new 40,000 sq. ft. purpose built warehouse and assembly facility for herself. We love it, our customers love it and the Department of Levelling Up (Rachel) loves it too!

The value to you of our business funding

But what’s the value to you of our business funding?

The Department for Levelling Up represents the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It kindly recognised and supported the value of our growing sub-manufacturing offering. Rachel was looking at where the funding had been spent and what positive impact it was having on our business.

Rachel had been at a conservation project the day before, so walking around a manufacturing and stockholding facility was a little different.

The great news was Rachel was seriously impressed by the size of the site, the impressive finish, cleanliness and efficiency of the warehouse and assembly line. As well as the positiveness of the whole team. Turned out it was a refreshing difference.

Are you a UK OEM that want to see inside? Get in touch

See how CEL Group’s warehouse came together…

CEL Group has been growing in sub-contract manufacturing experience and expertise for 20 years. We’re proud of what we’re achieving for UK OEMs. Relocating to Hortonwood West was no mean feat. Achieved between June – September 2022. It was done without disrupting our customers. It was done to deliver more capability and capacity.

We still pinch ourselves when we walk in. It’s a great place to work and just another step towards delivering our ambitious growth plans.

Are you a growing manufacturer that needs sub-contract manufacturing support? Grab a cuppa.

See the time lapse of how we put CEL Group’s UK facility together. Simon Cartwright gives you the why too.

CEL Group Supply Chain Partner Benefits

  • cost competitive manufacturing
  • low-cost manufacturing in China
  • China or UK assembly
  • quality engineering
  • optimised for outsourced performance
  • flexible delivery options
  • cash benefits of UK stockholding
  • delivery to your production line or straight into distribution
  • collaborative partnership … we’ll be an extension of your team
  • an easier more competitive manufacturing model

More about the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Funding Support

To help with the relocation and support our growth plans CEL Group has received £63,242.29 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund.

Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.

For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/european-growth-funding