CEL Group

Manufacturing Business Administrator

Looking for a career move in 2025? Our Business Administrator role could be the best career move you've ever made. CEL Group is a growing supply chain business, based in Telford, with a supply chain in the UK and China.…

CEL Group Van Livery Unveiled

Our new van livery definitely makes it easier to spot the benefits of bringing ‘Manufacturing Competitive Advantage’ to UK OEMs.

Need reliable, cost-competitive subcontract manufacturing? Discover more about our flexible supply chain services…

Todd In The Spotlight

Get to know the team delivering your Manufacturing Competitive Advantage. This ‘In the Spotlight’ features our Assembly Operative Apprentice Todd Higgins. A new role created as CEL Group continue to grow.

Mike In The Spotlight

Get to know the team delivering your Manufacturing Competitive Advantage. This ‘In the Spotlight’ features our Assistant Accountant, Michael Rogers. A new role created as CEL Group continue to grow.

Stephen In The Spotlight

Stephen originally joined CEL Group as a temporary staff member in September 2023. His ability as a mechanical engineer was evident which led to Stephen permanently joining the team as Production & Quality Assurance Engineer in April.

CEL Group Hits the Bullseye for Severn Hospice

This year we turned our annual family ‘fun-raiser’ into a fantastic fund raiser for Severn Hospice. By adding in a charity auction and our own band ‘Competitive Advantage’ to the day we raised everyone’s spirits as well as an amazing total.